Basic interface

You can learn about the basic interface of RollerCoaster Tycoon
Click menu what you want to know about.

  • A menu with OpenRCT2 Logo or icon(OpenRCT2에서만 지원) is a feature that exists only in OpenRCT2 and not in the original RCT2.

놀이기구 창
Ride window
This window is opened when you click a ride or a track of ride. There are informations about it and options of its operation.
Show the screen of the left image.
You can set the number of trains or vehicles. (details in below)
You can set the operation mode, method and speeds. (details in below)
You can check the reliability or down-time of the ride, and set the inspection time. (details in below)
You can change the colour of the ride and station style. (details in below)
You can set the background music of the ride. (details in below)
You can check the excitement/intensity/nausea ratings, length of the ride and so on and can save the track. (details in below)
You can see the graph of the velocity, heights, vertical/latical g-forces of the ride. (details in below)
You can set the ride's admission price or check the income per hour. (details in below)
You can check the guests who is riding or queueing this ride, its popularity, satisfaction, queue time, built date or so on. (details in below)
You can select the station, trains or building's position.
깃발(신호등) 버튼 You can close, test, or open the ride. You can reset as initial state if you click(select) the red flag(signal) icon twice.
놀이기구 건설 버튼 Start the construction mode of the ride. To start the construction, you need to close the ride and it should be not breakdowned.
이름 변경 버튼 Rename the ride.
이동 버튼 Move to this ride.
놀이기구 철거 버튼 Demolish this ride completely and sell.
Display current state of the ride, the number of queueing guests, train's velocity and so on.

놀이기구 창 - 차량 상세 정보 탭

It shows the type of the trains(building), simple description and capacity.
You can adjust the number of trains and the number of cars per train.

The total number of trains or cars per train may differ from station's length, whether you used the block brakes or the length of the ride.
For example, it is determined as its minimum station's length in case of rollercoaster types,
and determined as its whole length of the ride in case of Car rides, Log flumes, Splash boats or so on.

놀이기구 창 - 운행 설정 탭

Continuous circuit mode You can change the operation mode of the ride. Please watch Ride operation mode guide page for informations about what operation modes exist and what they are.
Launch speed It is displayed if the operation mode is 'Powered launch (passing station)' or 'Powered launch (without passing station)'. You can set the launch speed at the station.
Lift hill chain speed You can set the speed of the lift hill chain. It is not displayed in some roller coaster that is only for powered launch.
Number of circuit In case of roller coasters, you can set the number how many times train runs one loop of the course.
Max.people of ride Set the number of people that could be in a ride at the same time, such as Mazes or Spiral slides, etc.

Wait for: The train leaves if this condition is satisfied. But, it waits minimum waiting time at least and waits only until maximum wating time.

  • Quarter load The train leaves when a guest boards a quarter(1/4) of the train capacity.
  • Half load The train leaves when a guest boards a half(1/2) of the train capacity.
  • Three-quarter load The train leaves when a guest boards three-quarter(3/4) of the train capacity.
  • Full load The train leaves when it is full of guests.
  • Any load The train leaves if even one guest boards.
Leave if another train(boat) arrives at station If enabled, leave the train(boat) in the fron when another train(boat) arrives at station. But, if you checked the 'Wait for:' option above, the train ignores this option and leaves if 'Min/Max. waiting time' condition is satisfied.
Minimum wating time If you checked the 'Wait for:' option above, the train waits in this amount of time even other conditions are satisfied.
Maximum wating time If you checked the 'Wait for:' option above, the train ignores all other conditions and leaves when this amount of time passes.
Synchronise with adjacent stations The train leaves together with adjacent stations. In here, "adjacent" stations means the stations in 5 tiles or less between stations in OpenRCT2.
인접한 탑승장은 5칸 이내

놀이기구 창 - 유지 보수 설정 탭

Reliability It affects to the probability of ride's breakdown. The higher reliability, the less breakdowns.
Down-Time It is the percentage of down-time with respect to the total operation time. The higher down-time, the more the rides were stopped.
Inspection Mechanic tries to inspect the ride in this time interval. (Does not mean they inspect in exact time interval)
Time since last inspection It is a time of this ride since last inspection.

고장내기 버튼 OpenRCT2에서만 지원 Force a breakdown this ride. It is not displayed in default, you need to check File(File) button → "Options" → Advanced(Advanced) tab → "Enable debugging tools" to show this button.
재단장 버튼 OpenRCT2에서만 지원 Refurbish this ride. In here, 'Refurbish' has the same effect with demolishing this ride and build it as exactly the same.
정비기술자 버튼 Open the nearest Machanic's window.

놀이기구 창 - 색상 설정 탭

Main colour scheme Set the main colour scheme of this ride.
Alternative colour scheme 1/2/3 You can set the alternative colour schemes at three types maximum.
You can colour the track piece by clicking the piece using this Brush button.

Station style: You can select the style of entrance/exit of this ride.

All vehicles in same colours Set all vehicle's colour as this one.
Different colours per train Set different colours per each trains.
Different colours per vehicle Set different colours per each vehicles (which consists of a one train).

놀이기구 창 - 효과음 & 배경음악 설정 탭

Set a background music of the ride. There are musics like below, these music files are stored at (folder RCT2 installed)/Data folder, as the name of css##.dat files.
Dodgems beat style(css2), Fairground organ style(only for Merry-go-round, css4~9, css11~15), Roman fanfare style(css18), Oriental style(css19), Martian style(css20), Jungle drums style(css21), Egyptian style(css22), Toyland style(css23), Circus(css24), Space style(css25), Horror style(css26), Techno style(css27), Gentle style(css28), Summer style(css29), Water style(css30), Wild west style(css31), Jurassic style(css32), Rock style(css33), Ragtime style(css34), Fantasy style(css35), Rock style 2(css36), Ice style(css37), Snow style(css38), Medieval style(css39), Urban style(css40), Organ style(css41), Mechanical style(css42), Modern style(css43), Pirates style(css44), Rock style 3(css45), Candy style(css46)

놀이기구 창 - 측정 및 테스트 데이터 탭

You can see the measurements and data such as excitement, intensity, nausea ratings, speeds, ride lengths, etc.
The higher excitement/intensity/nausea ratings, the higher price you can get admissions, but you need to be aware something.
Guests will not go to a ride that is not suitable for their preffered ride intensity, and be careful that the excitement rating is reduced if the intensity is more than 10.0, so don't make intensity rating higher than 10.0.

Some rides have as known as minimum conditions such as more than a certain ride length, vertial G-forces or the number of inversions at least, so if your ride's ratings are too low then check whether you satisfied the minimum conditions of the ride.
You can see the Ride Min. conditions table for each ride's minimum conditions.

After the excitement/intensity/nausea ratings are calculated exactly, you can save this track as a file using Save track design button.

놀이기구 창 - 그래프 탭

It is displayed only at roller coasters, and shows its speed, altitude, vertical G-forces and latical G-forces.
Graph is progressed by Train 1.

OpenRCT2에서만 지원 In OpenRCT2, the above of +5.0g in vertial Gs or the below of -2.0g, the above of +2.0g or the below of -2.0g in latical Gs are displayed as a red line.

놀이기구 창 - 수익 및 지출 탭

Admissions Price for this ride when guests ride it. Admissions are paid at the moment when guests enter the entrance, not at the queue lines.
Admission which guests can pay is determined by its excitement/intensity/nausea ratings and its age. Please refer Ride proper price calculator page if you want to know the exact maximum entry price guests could afford.

Income Estimated income in 1 hour of real time. (It is an estimated value, not a real income)
Running cost Running cost in 1 hour of real time.
Profit It is (Income) - (Running cost).
Total profit Total profit so far.

놀이기구 창 - 고객 정보 탭

Customers on ride The number of guests who is on this ride currently
Customers The estimated number of guests in 1 hour of real time.
Popularity Popularity increases when a guest on the ride or buying an item of the shop. If there are too many low-popularity rides in the park, you may get 'Most disappointing park award'.
Satisfaction Satisfaction increases when the price is proper or low, it is suitable for guest's prefered intensity and nausea tolerance, didn't queue long and have ever ridden the same type of this ride.
Queue time The time that guests should wait in the queue line.

Total customers Total number of guests who had on this ride so far.
Favourite ride of The number of guests who favourite this ride.
Built It shows how many years have passed since this ride was built.

고장내기 버튼 Show the list of guests who thought about this ride.
재단장 버튼 Show the list of guests who is on this ride.
정비기술자 버튼 Show the list of guests who is wating in the queue line of this ride.


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