OpenTTD 1.9.1 공개
OpenTTD 1.9.1이 공개되었습니다.

가장 눈에 띄는 변경점은 차량 그룹을 접었다 폈다 할 수 있는 기능이 드디어 안정화 버전에 들어왔다는 점입니다.[1]
주요 변경점은 아래와 같습니다만, 정확한 것은 영문 변경 기록을 참고 부탁드립니다.

  • 차량 그룹 접었다 폈다 하는 기능 추가
  • 각종 음악 드라이버 지원
  • 프레임레이트 창 추가
  • 도시가 ㄱ자 모양의 도로 구석에도 건물을 세울 수 있게 됨
  • 러시아 루블, 멕시코 페소 화폐 단위 추가
  • 도시 목록 창에서 대도시는 '(대도시)'라는 이름이 뒤에 추가됨
  • 멀티 플레이에서 접속이 끊어지면 자동으로 저장
  • 회사 시작시 기본으로 사용할 색상 설정 가능
  • 백스페이스 키(BACKSPACE)를 이제 단축키로 지정 가능
  • 선박이 방향을 바꿀 때 속력이 느려지고, 운하 수문을 지날 때 잠시 멈춤
  • 선박 경로 탐색 성능 개선
  • [NewGRF] 선로 종류 및 화물 종류의 제한을 64개로 확장
  • 차량 기지의 [복제] 버튼이 이제 차량 정보 창의 [복제] 버튼과 동일하게 기능
  • 글씨체 크기 설정 추가
  • 경로를 지정할 수 있는 개수가 64000여개에서 1670만여개로 증가
  • 도시가 선로나 일방통행 길 위에 다리를 지을 수 있게 됨
  • 기타 많은 버그 수정

또한, 1.9.1부터는 win9x(Windows 95, 98 등)에 대한 지원이 중단된 것으로 보입니다.
이러한 운영체제를 사용하고 계신 분들은 속히 새 운영체제로 업그레이드하시기를 권고드립니다.

TELKLAND에서도 1.9.1 간편 설치파일을 제공하고 있습니다.에서 다운로드하실 수 있습니다.

공식 홈페이지 공지사항을 번역해드리자면,

OpenTTD 1.9.0 is now published.

After extensive testing and much feedback on the new feature for 16 cargos in and out of industries, we reached the conclusion that the economy is simply too complex. For this reason, all cargo types have been removed from the game, and been replaced with a single ‘Stuff’. The new freedom offered by this will for the first time in history let you genuinely build the transportation empire of your dreams.

OpenTTD 1.9.0이 공개되었습니다.

광범위한 테스트와 16개 화물에 대한 새로운 기능에 기반한 많은 피드백을 통해 게임의 경제 시스템이 너무 복잡하다는 결론에 도달했습니다. 이러한 이유로 모든 화물이 게임에서 제거되고 단 하나의 '물건(Stuff)'으로 통합되었습니다. 역사상 처음으로 제공되는 새로운 자유로 진정한 꿈의 교통 제국을 건설하십시오.

물론, 화물이 제거된 것은 만우절 농담입니다.[2] 화물은 통합되지 않았고 오히려 NewGRF을 통해 32개까지 늘어날 수 있습니다.

변경 기록
1.9.1 (2019-04-08)

- Fix #6564: Enforce types of arguments for station name strings (#7419)
- Fix #7433: Don't use AirportSpec substitute if it's not enabled (#7435)
- Fix #7447, #7466, #7476: Missing NewGRF strings due to Action 4 feature check skipping pseudo-feature 48 (#7449)
- Fix #6222: Advanced sprite layout sometimes showed incorrect railtype ground tile. (#7460)
- Fix #7439: CompanyRemoveReason overwritten by ClientID (#7465)
- Fix: [Windows] Incorrect error handling could lead to cascading error windows (#7482)
- Fix #7478: Don't remove NewGRF objects on company take-over. (#7483)

1.9.0 (2019-04-01)

- Fix #7411: Use industry production callback (if used) on initial industry cargo generation (#7412)

1.9.0-RC2 (2019-03-24)

- Fix #7400: WaterClass for tree tiles was not converted for old saves preventing industry creation (#7405)
- Fix: Filtered file list did not scroll properly (#7402)
- Fix #7391: Don't invalidate go to depot orders of non-aircraft when invalidating hangar orders that happen to share IDs (#7392)
- Fix #7386: Measurement tooltip for tunnels, aqueducts & docks did not display or flickered (#7389)
- Fix: Wrong company performance rating when money exceeds INT_MAX (#7382)
- Fix: Permit loading of industry production callback with invalid cargo type (#7364)
- Fix: Spelling for a few real town names (#7338)
- Fix: Runway too short for large aircraft message should not depend on plane crashes setting (#7325)
- Fix #7334: Ship lost after crossing bridge due to path cache not being consumed while on final bridge end (#7335)

1.9.0-RC1 (2019-03-03)

- Add: Various AI/GS functions for vehicle groups (#7225)
- Change: Synchronise introduction date and reliability randomness across vehicles with the same base introduction date (#7147)
- Change: Allow towns to build bridges over rails and one-way roads (#7291)
- Fix: Detection of coast tiles with trees on them (#7309)
- Fix: Emergency netsave saved the title game instead of the broken game in question (#7298)
- Fix: Company livery window showed incorrect groups when opened in multiplayer (#7288)
- Fix: Unable to select last group in open livery window (#7283)
- Fix: Goto hangar orders were not invalidated when rebuilding airports (#7100)

1.9.0-beta3 (2019-02-24)

- Feature: Option to adjust font size separately from GUI size (#7003)
- Feature: Increase maximum number of orders from 64000 to ~16.7m (#7220)
- Add: Show performance of AI and GS in framerate window
- Add: News menu entry and shortcut for deleting all messages (#7240)
- Change: [OSX] Improved scrolling behaviour when using touchpads
- Change: Add scrollbar to cargo legend in cargo payment rates window
- Change: Owner of vehicle with exclusive transport rights may now load cargo from neutral stations (#7256)
- Change: Improved UI behaviour when dragging sound volume sliders with the mouse (#7227)
- Change: Use selected vehicle group as parent when creating a new group (#7224)
- Change: Use SlErrorCorrupt() on pool index error when loading a savegame, instead of terminating (#7219)
- Change: Skip reliability decay if servicing is disabled
- Fix: Remove desert around lakes upon generation
- Fix: Re-sorting file list did not update filtered rows
- Fix #7159: Waiting time at red one-way signals was too short
- Fix #7189: Fluidsynth volume gain too high
- Fix #7004: Cargo flow legend was not properly refreshed after zooming (#7265)
- Fix: Possibility to modify wrong AI/GS settings when switching AI/GS scripts around (#7090, #7091)
- Fix: Use more descriptive "spectator" strings for story book and goal dropdown menus
- Fix #6599: Disable build and rename button in build vehicle window when no vehicle is selected
- Fix: Do not mangle tagged revision strings for network revision strings
- Fix #7151: AI start date deviation was still applied when not set to a random AI (#7223)
- Fix #7197: Invalidate depot buttons when necessary (#7212)
- Doc: [AI] UnshareOrders empties the orders list of the vehicle

1.9.0-beta2 (2019-02-09)

- Fix: Non-Windows builds did not get correct git hash

1.9.0-beta1 (2019-02-09)

Note: OpenTTD was migrated to GitHub for 1.9, so SVN revision and FlySpray numbers have been replaced with Pull Requests and Issue numbers
- Feature: Group liveries, and livery window usability enhancements (#7108)
- Feature: Overhaul of music system, support MPSMIDI music files (TTD DOS/TTO) (#6839)
- Feature: [Win32] Rewritten DMusic and WinMM music drivers
- Feature: [Win32] New XAudio2 sound driver
- Feature: [Linux] New Fluidsynth music driver
- Feature: Framerate display window (#6822)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Ability for industries & houses to produce and/or accept up to 16 different cargoes
- Feature #6610: Allow towns to build houses on road turns (#6758)
- Feature: Replace independent map scrolling GUI settings with single option, and add choice to not lock cursor position when scrolling (#6756)
- Feature #6459: API for querying network clients from GS (#6736)
- Feature: New Russian Ruble & Mexican Peso as currencies (#6678, #7035)
- Feature #4186: Append '(City)' after city names in the town directory
- Feature #986: Automatic save when losing connection to a network game
- Add: [NewGRF] Flag to hide rail types from construction (#7118)
- Add: [NewGRF] Airport animation trigger for plane landing (#6334)
- Add #4115: Default starting company colour setting (#6998)
- Add: Mixer feature for streaming sampled music
- Add #6460: [AI] start_date parameter for Random AIs on new game
- Add: BACKSPACE can be mapped as a hotkey
- Add: 32bpp SSE2 blitter palette animator (#6795)
- Change: Make ships turn slowly when changing direction and stop when going up or down a lock (#7065, #7150)
- Change: Improve ship pathfinder performance
- Change: Decouple GUI timing from game ticks (#6780)
- Change: Desert tiles are now half-desert if a neighboured tile is non-desert or sea/coast (#4754)
- Change: Gradually slow down aircraft speed on breakdown (#6932)
- Change: [NewGRF] Increase rail type & cargo type limits to 64
- Change: [NewGRF] Increase size of persistent storage to 256
- Change: [NewGRF] Use last OpenTTD SVN revision in NewGRF version number (#6843)
- Change: Clone tool in depot window now behaves like clone button in vehicle window (#6754)
- Change #6397: Keep town growth rate in sync with house count
- Change: Scale default FreeType font size selection by UI zoom level
- Change: [OSX] Reversed pinch to zoom behaviour
- Change: Switch town growth rate and counter to actual game ticks (#6763)
- Change: Non-tag revisions are now named '<commitdate>-<branch>-g<shorthash><modified>'
- Change: Rewrite several bits of documentation in markdown
- Fix: Reinitialise graph GUI on game restart (#7191)
- Fix: Potential crash during shutdown after unpacking downloaded content (#7185)
- Fix #6584: Text layout in engine preview dialogue
- Fix #6636: Airplanes could be sent to helicopter station depots
- Fix: Deadlock when launched with -n switch (#7103)
- Fix: Various corrections to town names in non-English languages (#7038, 7141)
- Fix: Only consider airport tiles when placing (for non-rectangular airports) (#6613)
- Fix: Spelling fixes on some Latin American town names
- Fix #7001: Pathfinders should see standard road stations as tiles where to reverse
- Fix #6676: Prevent helicopters from stopping in midair during some kinds of landing
- Fix: Remove need to use Ctrl+Click when building stations next to competitors (#6906)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Make VA2 operator 11 (ror) behave well-defined when rotating by 0 bits
- Fix #4109: Add more water checks to the Oil Rig layout
- Fix #6938: Incorrect value for "Cost to Clear" was displayed for Company Headquarters in tile inspector (#6939)
- Fix #6920: Make 9.8m/s^2 a common constant for TE-calculation
- Fix #6892: [Script] CONFIG_RANDOM did not use the full parameter range (#6902)
- Fix #6622: News message when GS constructs a town had empty company name
- Fix: [NewGRF] Action7 variable 0x85 had no bounds checks
- Fix #6875: Depot building cost did not include foundation build cost (#6883)
- Fix: Some pixels in ship autoreplace icon (sprite 106) were transparent
- Fix: Poor contrast in cargo dest flow legend window cargo labels
- Fix #6553: Make viewport button text unambiguous
- Fix: [OSX] Setting mouse-wheel to scroll the map does not disable pinch to zoom
- Fix #6969: Account for BOM when reading script files
- Fix #6898: Ability to use seeds above INT_MAX (#6936)
- Fix #6659: Bus stations could be demolished when not in demolish mode (#6815)
- Fix: One-way roads could be over-built by road stops regardless of road owner
- Fix: Use name of cargo instead of Passengers/Mail in town statistics (#6801)
- Fix: Prevent ships moving into docks after finishing (un)loading (#6791)
- Fix: Tractive effort was slightly too high as per NewGRF spec (#6785)
- Fix #6465: Add {NORMAL_FONT} and {MONO_FONT} control codes to GS strings (#6726)
- Fix: Four group action icons were misplaced and cropped
- Remove: PSP, WinCE support

  1. [1] 이미 여러 사용자 버전에서는 있었던 기능
  2. [2] OpenTTD는 매년 4월 1일에 안정화(stable) 버전을 공개하고 있습니다.

이모지를 이용해서 글에 반응해보세요!


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